CPAAS News Archive

  • Human and Robot Team-up for High-tech Harvest -Many Washington tree fruit growers dream of a day when automated technology helps bring in the harvest. Manoj Karkee, assistant professor with the Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems (CPAAS) at Washington State University, believes that day will soon be here.– On Solid Ground
  • Farming Technology Designed By Students on Display in Prosser PROSSER, WA. – The latest and greatest farming technologies were on display in Prosser Tuesday. The second annual Automated Agricultural Systems Expo at WSU’s Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center showcased prototypes and working models designed by students. Organizers say this expo is important to keeping the state’s agricultural industry competitive globally. – KNDO
  • Paying Fruit Pickers Per Pound -Several years ago cherry grower Mike Omeg, who is always looking for ways to do a better job and increase his bottom line, sat down and asked himself one critical question: “How can I reduce my operating costs without hurting the quality of the fruit?”– Growing Produce