Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems

Our Vision

To be the center for excellence on advancing and facilitating adoption of smart farming solutions for resilient and sustainable agricultural industry.

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop a world preeminent and Washington relevant research, extension, and educational program in the areas of smart farming systems and technologies, through:

  • High impact research outcomes for our stakeholders;
  • True trans-disciplinary collaboration within Washington State University and world-wide stakeholders;
  • Workforce development for the future of farming through high quality educational and research experiences for our students and scholars; and
  • Hub for incubating new ideas relevant to smart agricultural solutions.
    • Engagement and partnership with Washington Agricultural industry and private technology industry to accelerate commercial adoption.


CPAAS at a Glance

The Center for Precision & Automated Agricultural Systems (CPAAS) was designed to offer a trans-disciplinary framework for precision/smart agriculture and automation efforts at Washington State University (WSU). To create a critical mass of expertise, CPAAS has three core faculty (one currently vacant):

  • Dr. Manoj Karkee, expertise in the areas of sensing, machine vision and agricultural robotics,
  • Dr. Lav Khot, expertise in the areas of precision/smart agriculture (ground and aerial crop sensing, data to decision support, and variable rate technology development).

To expand our reach to meet the needs of agriculture in Washington State and beyond, CPAAS has also recruited a diverse group of faculty affiliates from WSU Prosser, WSU Pullman, WSU Tri Cities, and WSU Puyallup, including researchers from:

Our affiliated faculty regularly meet for brainstorming and team-building events throughout the year. These gatherings aim to shape shared goals into a well-thought-out strategic plan, enabling us to effectively respond to calls for proposals and actively engage in stakeholder events. Notable stakeholder events we have been engaged with include CPAAS Technology Day and various field days organized by WSU and other universities in the Pacific Northwest.

Thanks to our enduring partnerships with external collaborators nationally and internationally, CPAAS has made significant strides in establishing international joint centers and forging agreements that allow exchanges of professors, scholars, and students, thereby expanding our research endeavors across the globe. This has gained WSU CPAAS a global recognition.

Currently, CPAAS is diligently working on a range of new initiatives designed to better serve the WA Agricultural Industry in the rapidly changing technological landscape including the widespread adoption/introduction of AI and robotic technologies to farming.
